Roofing Nightmares

Roofing Nightmares: YouTube Do-It-Yourselfers

Oh my gosh, I don't know where to start. From the crazy handyman, to This Old House, YouTube demonstrations for "do it yourselfers" are so grossly inaccurate that I want to scream. 

Here's the first: the DIY TV Program, using their show as a venue for advertising. I wonder how much they got for letting this guy demonstrate his company's goofy roofing repair products?

Next is the handyman who "specializes" in Home Repairs. He recommends repairs for a 10 year roof, every year, to "hopefully" help this roof last another 5 years. The way his guys go about "fixing" this roof are frightening. 

I'm so angry that I could shingle a whole roof myself. Really...the next two videos are outdated and should be removed from YouTube as they will lead clients into thinking that they're doing something correctly, when they're actually causing major problems for themselves. Read my'll see. 

Now - I grew up watching these guys and loving what they did, but I'm afraid the time has come to hang up their "shingles" and call it a day. The old 3-tab grey horror shingles, no underlayment, and using the old felt - it's all so outdated. 

So let me explain: 
If you're going to try to roof your house.............don't. 
If you think you can seal a might, but what other problems will you cause? 

There is a host of reasons why I don't want you to get on your roof. 
First and foremost is safety
I have seen seasoned roofers occasionally fall off a roof. The results are not pretty. Broken necks that never work correctly again, broken legs, arms - Please people, just don't! I'm insured for it, at least. 

Secondly, I beg you not to walk on old shingles. They're brittle. You'll break them. If you've had a leak in a location for a long time, the plywood underneath may give way. Don't fall through your roof, please? 

Third: Plastering tar and cement all over the place, even if you use fiberglass mesh - is not going to fix the problem. Frankly it just adds to it. When you finally get done spending all that money on tools, the tar, the cement, the buckets, you'll be out a significant amount of cash (not to mention time).  All that tar and cement will have to be removed (by me!) when you discover that the leak was actually from another location. It happens, believe me. 

Fourth: Why buy cheap shingles that are only going to last you a few years? 10 year shingles don't usually last 10 years. It's a sad fact, but there you are. If you use them now, you'll be replacing them soon. Now, if you go with 30 year shingles that are guaranteed, you're good to go, for a very long time!

Why not call me and ask for an estimate? What can it hurt? At least then you can make an informed decision, without risking your life, your equity, or your family's safety.  Here's my number: 631-281-9100. Call me, 24/7 - or anytime you're thinking about climbing up onto your roof. - Nick The Roofer


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